Workshops on Cyber Crime vis-a-vis Sexual Offences and Legal Awareness Campaign on Legal Aid

Workshops on Cyber Crime vis-a-vis Sexual Offences and Legal Awareness Campaign on Legal Aid were organized on 22.10.24 and 23.10.24 by the Lala Hansraj Phutela Collegfe of Law, Sirsa in collaboration with District Legal Services Authority, Sirsa for the law students of Lala Hansraj Phutela College in the meeting room of ADR Bhawan located in the District Legal Services Authority. Pravesh Singla, Chief Judicial Magistrate cum Secretary of the District Legal Services Authority, Assistant Professor Dr. Gurdeep and Assistant Professor Dr. Deepak from Lala Hansraj Phutela Collegfe of Law, Sirsa, Cyber Team SP office, Sirsa, and Advocate Balbir Kuar Gandhi, District Court, Sirsa were present and contributed in these workshops.